What is the Motion Graphics service?

If you want to stand out, motion video design in the UAE is your first step to achieving what competitors in the market overlook. Using motion graphics, we present your brand in a lively and interactive way with people. You can benefit from the service to tell your brand's story, showcase any of your products or services, or even convey a message in a more exciting and convincing manner. We implement what you envision and want your customers to see in creative ways that include elements of excitement, surprise, and visual impact.

Moving the logo

In your work on social media and promoting your products, you will need a different motion than your competitors, showcasing your logo at the beginning of the video (intro) and another at the end (outro) along with your contact information. This way, your potential customers can remember your brand whenever they encounter a situation where your product is suitable for their needs. We provide you with these materials for use with the videos you produce to solidify your brand in the minds of the recipients.

Motion graphic design

It is one of the most distinctive and popular artistic styles among major global brands. This artistic style relies on designing artistic and attractive frames that highlight dynamic transitions and distinctive movements in graphics and text elements, creating a unique image for your clients about your brand and conveying a distinctive image of your brand.

Animation (frame drawing)

We excel in animation using the technique of drawing each frame individually. With this technique, you will be able to implement the most complex ideas that come to your mind and wish to convey to customers in a simplified and unconventional manner. We also rely on the elements of suspense and surprise, which leave an impression that is hard for the customer to forget.

Infographic (motion)

Although your service is useful and can save a lot of time for your potential clients, its procedures may not be easy for your clients. Therefore, we have designed this service for you to explain your services in detail, including information, numbers, and more, so that your clients can easily form a general picture of what you offer. You can also benefit from this service in educational content or videos aimed at conveying an image of a phenomenon in society or otherwise, all upon request.